

Coconut flakes - 15.00 g

Maple syrup - 20.00 g

Gelatin - 10.00 g

Milk - 100.00 ml

Cottage cheese - 300.00 g

Cocoa - 10.00 g

Bananas - 100.00 g

Biscuits - 60.00 g

Crush the biscuits well. Add cocoa and crushed bananas. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained and transfer this mass to a form. Spread evenly on the bottom and store in the refrigerator for 1 hour. The Vestel refrigerator model RS455 has a high-speed cooling function, which helps you prepare delicious food and desserts easily and comfortably.

Add the milk to the gelatin until the biscuits have cooled well. After defrosting, drain in a steam bath or in the microwave.

Blend the cottage cheese and add the gelatinous milk, and maple syrup, and transfer to a baking dish. Place in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Finally, put coconut flakes on top and enjoy!


Article Author Vestel Georgia, 2022-05-16