
Easter is one of the most important holidays for Georgians. Every family specially prepares for this day, and of course, our table is also specially prepared.


The first thing you should take care of is to supply your table with delicious and warm khachapuri. It will be a variation characteristic of Guruli, Imeruli, Megruli, and other areas, Khachapuri is a distinctive member of the Georgian table. You can even say a business card.


In any Georgian family, a festive table is unimaginable without nutty Kharcho, which goes very well with smoked cheese or sulguni and Ghomi.


Pkhaleuli is a real treat for Easter and even more so for the Georgian-Western table.


Just like the red boiled egg, “Paska” is an integral part of the Easter table


Here we share with you a unique recipe and method of preparation


Preparation rules

first day

Dissolve 5 grams of yeast, 2 teaspoons of sugar, and 500 grams of flour in slightly warm milk. Mix well with a wooden spoon and leave for about 1-2 hours. Refrigerate until the evening of the next day.

Prepare the spices on this day. Peel the lemon and soak it in a little amount of sugar. In a small glass jar, pour 50 g of rum, blended lemon peel, and all spices, except saffron. Hold the jam cap tightly. Shake it by hand from time to time to mix the mass.

Chop the saffron, add 0.5 tsp of sugar, and a little boiled water. Cover the head and wrap it.

Pour the remaining rum over the well-washed and dried raisins, and add the candied oranges.

second day

In the evening, start preparing the dough. Make a Kogel Mogel out of whole eggs. Take the yeast out of the refrigerator and mix it with the beaten egg. If you are kneading by hand, then take the yeast out of the refrigerator at least an hour before, and all the ingredients should be at room temperature. If you are kneading in a kneading machine, then everything should be cold. At this time, stir in a mixture of spices, saffron, cream, salt, lemon juice, and honey. Mix the yeast in the flour and add it like that. Rub well with your hands and leave for 30–40 minutes. Then start kneading. Then leave overnight to ferment at room temperature.

As for the addition of butter, it is better to work the dough well first and then mix in the butter a little at a time.

the third day

In the morning, knead the dough with oiled hands. Let it rest for 1 hour and mix in the raisins, which have a little bit of flour so that they stick well to the dough. Leave again for half an hour.

Finally, divide the dough to the desired weight, mix it, and put it in the molds. Try to rise well. bake at 150 degrees



Milk - 750 gr

Egg - 10 pcs

flour - 2250 gr

Butter - 500 gr

Cream 35% - 200 gr

Sugar - 800 gr

Raisins - 700 gr

Candied oranges - 100 gr

Salt - 30 gr

Honey - 70 gr

Wet yeast - 50 gr

Lemon peel - 3 pcs

Brandy - 100 gr

Saffron - 0.15 gr



Vanilla stick - 1 tsp

Article Author Vestel Georgia, 2023-04-12