
In the post-New Year period, we often face difficulties in storing food. This could be a problem with the capacity of the refrigerator, insufficient storage temperature, or something else.

In this blog, we will discuss the advantages of Vestel refrigerators and suggest some ways to store food.

Various cooling systems:

The latest Vestel refrigerators are often equipped with a variety of cooling systems that maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels in different compartments, ensuring longer storage of fruits, vegetables, and other perishable products.

Smart technology:

Some refrigerators are equipped with smart functions that allow you to control the device remotely through smartphone applications. This may include temperature regulation or energy monitoring.

Touch screens:

On high-end models, we find touchscreen displays on the exterior, which provide easy access to settings and even recipe suggestions.

Energy efficiency:

Energy-efficient functions and compliance with energy standards help reduce electricity consumption.

Air cleaning systems:

Some Vestel refrigerators incorporate air purification technologies to remove odors and bacteria, ensuring a clean indoor environment.

To avoid food storage and spoilage issues, these three tips may help.

Master all areas of the refrigerator;

sort food into containers;

Make sure your refrigerator is set to the correct temperature (4 degrees or less) to prevent food from spoiling.

Vestel's latest technology is always at your service!

Article Author Vestel Georgia, 2024-01-16