
Vestel is building a sustainable future. In this blog, we will talk about what sustainability means and what it means for the well-being of the earth and humanity.

Sustainable practices contribute to ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. Sustainability assumes that resources are finite and should be used wisely with long-term consequences in mind.

That is why Vestel produces products that consume less energy and water, which helps to reduce food waste and protect the environment. In the production of these products, the brand's primary goal is to make maximum efforts to protect the environment and natural resources.

Olive, which is a kind of symbol of sustainability, is always in our house and in our refrigerators. Together with the Biolive Team, Vestel began to process olive corks and use the material in technology. Some of Vestel's products reduce the use of plastic and use environmentally friendly biomaterials. Thus, these products now protect people, food, and nature. These products are refrigerators, washing machines, washer dryers, dishwashers, and others.

In addition to manufacturing appliances, Vestel has moved to 100% recycled and recyclable boxes, and efforts are ongoing to convert the plastic packaging in the product box to paper.

As a company that takes every new step based on sustainability, since 2016 it has also been working hard to reduce its carbon footprint.

Vestel in the footsteps of a sustainable future!

Article Author Vestel Georgia, 2024-02-26